Friday 15 January 2010

I'm Skybound. Here's why

When I chose my online name, I wanted something to inspire me, something to express my desire to make a success of internet marketing. From what I've learned, with the web as your marketplace, the sky truly is the limit. You can make megabucks. All you need is to get focused and get your butt into gear.

I came into internet marketing thinking I had an unfair advantage over many people in the same position. See, I'm a professional copywriter with many years' experience in the offline advertising business. Writing is second nature to me. As is research, getting to know products and understanding your target audience. I'm also a fast and enthusiastic learner. I soon discovered that these pluses were no advantage whatsoever.

The truth is anyone can make it in internet marketing. But only if you have a plan of action. Three months after I joined Wealthy Affiliate University I realised I still didn't have a plan. I'd crammed my brain with tons of new info and overloaded my bookmark toolbar with a catalogue of tools and resources. But I hadn't made a dime.

A lot of people talk about information overload when they come into internet marketing. Fact is, you could go on learning and bookmarking for ever. The most important thing is to get started earning while you keep learning.

Listening to my own advice at the start of 2010, I made a decision I'd been pondering for a while. I invested $47 in One Week Marketing by PotPieGirl (Jennifer Ledbetter).

I figured that if I was going to live up to the promise of my online name, I needed help. I'd thrashed around without a plan for too long. One Week Marketing seemed to offer me the structure and direction I was lacking. I'd read the sales page for One Week Marketing months ago. I'd downloaded the freebie Jennifer offers when you join her mailing list – the first 18 pages of the One Week Marketing Guide. I was impressed. But not impressed enough to part with $47 right off the bat.

Besides, with my background and experience and commitment, I was pretty sure I had everything I needed to give my online marketing career a flying start. Why spend the cash?

But three months later, when I read once again how PotPieGirl started out with the same determination to make it work, then spent the next six months getting nowhere, I knew I'd learned my first lesson.

My aim with this blog is to share my progress through One Week Marketing. I won't be giving anything away that PotPieGirl would prefer me not to. You'll get my personal opinion and an account of how I'm applying what I learn. I'm writing this partly for me – because I know it will keep me on track and force me to think about what I'm doing and why. But I'm also doing it for you. If you're new to internet marketing and want to see what investing $47 in a fistful of PDFs can do for your dreams, pull up a chair.

1 comment:

  1. It's funny that I also picked up Jennifer's One Week Marketing at the same time you did. I hesitated getting it for months because I could freely talk to her at Wealthy Affiliate University.

    But after thinking about it I realized part of my block may be that I haven't actually given anything back to Jennifer even though she has tirelessly helped me and others like me along. I feel good about my purchase, even though it's not a big one in terms of dollars.

    I've heard a lot of good things about it and have already printed up most of it for the weekend.

    On another note I came into internet marketing thinking I had an advantage with my technical skills with computers and software. On the other side of the coin I have much to learn about copywriting and marketing in general!

    I know we've both come a long way and if we don't quit we're both bound to succeed at it.
